令和5年度 入学宣誓式

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令和5年度 入学宣誓式

  • 式典の様子を録画した動画はこちら


令和5年4月5日(水) 開場時間 開式時間 対象学部?研究科 会場
午前9時45分 午前10時45分 工芸科学部、


  • 式典会場への入場を、学生のみとさせていただきます。保護者様?ご家族様におかれましては、かかる状況を何卒ご理解いただきますよう、お願い申し上げます。なお、式典の様子を録画し、後日大学HPに掲載予定です。
  • 検温等により入場に時間を要することが予想されるため、早めの入場をお願いいたします。
  • 式典後、会場周辺や学内に留まることはお控え願います。
  • 式典の2週間前から検温等により健康観察を行うとともに、発熱や咳などの呼吸器症状がある場合は、来場を控えてください。また、入場時に検温を実施し、37.5度以上の体温が確認された場合は、入場をお断りします。
  • マスクの着用は個人で判断してください。
  • 手洗い?手指消毒などの感染防止策を徹底してください。
  • 新入生オリエンテーション等のその他の学年始めの行事については、新入生向けHPに掲載しております。併せてご確認願います。
  • 「イベント開催時感染防止策チェックリスト(京都府様式)」はこちらをご確認ください。


The Entrance Ceremony for the 2023 Academic Year

The Entrance Ceremony for the 2023 Academic Year will be held as shown below. Note that the schedule is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. We post communications on the KIT webpage so be sure to refer to these sources.
We ask that students attending the ceremony take the precautions recommended below, to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and its variants.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023 Doors Open Ceremony Begins Faculty/School Venue
9:45 am 10:45 am The School of Science and Technology
(Undergraduate Program)
The Graduate School of Science and Technology
(Master’s and Doctoral Programs)
Kyoto Concert Hall

※Note that this is an off-campus venue.Click here for access to the venue.

  • Note that only students will be allowed to enter the ceremony venue.We ask for the understanding of parents/guardians and family members regarding this situation. A recording of the ceremony will be made and uploaded to the KIT website at a later date.
  • We ask that you come to the venue entrance early, as, due to temperature readings and other precautions, it is expected to take some time for everyone to enter the venue.
  • After the ceremony, please refrain from staying in the vicinity of the venue or on campus.
  • Please observe your health by taking your temperature, etc. for two weeks prior to the ceremony. Students experiencing fever, coughing or other respiratory symptoms should refrain from coming to the venue. In addition, temperature checks will be conducted at the entrance prior to admission, and visitors with a temperature of 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher, will not be allowed to enter the venue.
  • The wearing of mask is left to individual discretion.
  • We ask that you take thorough precautions to prevent infection, such as thoroughly washing and disinfecting your hands.
  • Other events at the beginning of the school year, such as the orientation for new students, are posted on the website for new students below. Be sure to view this website.
  • Click here for the Kyoto Prefectural “Checklist of Infection Prevention Measures at Events.”